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Amit K. Roy-Chowdhury


Professor and UC Presidential Chair
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering (Cooperating)

Chair, Robotics Program  

Co-Director, Riverside AI Research (RAISE) Institute
Co-Director, Center for Networked Configurable Command, Control and Communications for Rapid Situational Awareness (NC4)


MRB 3128, UC Riverside
(951) 827-7886

Research Interests

  • Computer Vision and Image Processing
  • Machine Learning
  • Robot Autonomy
  • Statistical Signal Processing
  • Applications of CV/ML


  • EE114 - Probability, Random Variables and Processes
  • CS224/EE242A - Fundamentals of Machine Learning
  • EE215 - Stochastic Processes 
  • EE236 - State and Parameter Estimation
  • EE241 - Advanced Digital Image Processing 
  • EE243 - Advanced Computer Vision 
  • EE247 - Current Topics in Computer Vision

Amit Roy-Chowdhury leads the Video Computing Group at UCR, working on foundational principles of computer vision, image processing, and machine learning, with applications in cyber-physical, autonomous and intelligent systems. His research group has published over 200 papers in peer-reviewed journals and top conferences, and recently published the monograph Person Re-identification with Limited Supervision. His work on face recognition in art was featured widely in the news media, including a PBS/National Geographic documentary. He is the Director of the Center for Robotics and Intelligent Systems. Prof. Roy-Chowdhury's research has been supported by various US government agencies and private industries, and he leads one of the few DoD Centers of Excellence in the US. He is active in the IEEE Computer and Signal Processing societies, is an Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, a Senior Area Editor for IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, and regularly serves as an Area Chair for major computer vision conferences. He has served as the Chair of the ECE Department at UCR in the recent past, and is currently the Chair of the newly created Robotics program. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and IAPR, received the Doctoral Dissertation Mentoring/Advising Award from UCR in 2019, and the Distinguished Alumni Award from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2020.